
The Fellowship of American Baptist Musicians was formed in February 1964 by a group of American Baptist church directors and organists. Those present included: Jet Turner from First Baptist Church in Peoria, IL; Kenneth Cober from ABC Educational Ministries in Valley Forge; Bill Robinson from First Baptist Church in Indianapolis, IN; and Roger and Wilma Wischmeier from First Baptist Church in Omaha, NE.

From their desire to "Enrich Your Spiritual Life through Music and Worship" , the Fellowship of American Baptist Musicians was born.

The first conference was held in 1965 at the American Baptist Assembly in Green Lake, Wisconsin.

From the experiences of those early conferences, people like Same Hood and Jay Martin made the FABM an integral part of their lives and roceeded to enrich many more lives through their leadership.

In 1968, a youth section was added with twelve youth attending the first year. Today the Youth chir is composed of more than 50 youth. As music in the church has expanded, so has the conference; Handbells, Children and Instrumental roups were added.

Today the conference draws 300 participants from across North America to the Green Lake Conference Center. Come Join Us!