2024-2025 FABM Board


Mindy Phomvisay

Mindy Phomvisay is a Church Musician, Music Educator, Mother, and Co-President/Treasurer of FABM. She has served as the Director of Music at First Baptist Church of Ames since 1998.

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As Music Director, Mindy directs the coir, accompanies worship services, leads the youth and children in music ad is co-director of a Summer Music Camp. A native of Alta Iowa, Mindy is a graduate of Iowa State University and Currently teaches Pre K-4 General Music in Fairfield, Iowa. She has been a director with the Ames Children's Choirs and is a flute and piano teacher. Mindy and her husband Aiddy are parents of three children, Elijah, Emma, and Ethan. The whole family enjoys coming to Green Lake for the FABM Conference and it is very special to each of them. Mindy truly enjoys serving on the Board and being a part of such meaningful work.


Beth Coppoc Gunshor

Beth Gunshor is a member of the worship planning team and was previously the children and youth director at First Baptist Church of Madison, WI.

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Beth Gunshor is a member of the worship planning team and was previously the children and youth director at First Baptist Church of Madison, WI. She is also a speech-language pathologist who owns her own private practice in addition to working part-time in the public school system. Beth has been connected to church music from a young age, especially through her mother, Harriet Coppoc, a talented flute player and now-retired elementary music teacher.  Beth started attending the FABM music conference with her mom in the 1970s, was secretary for the organization from 2007-2009, and is honored to serve on the board again as president-elect.

Executive Secretary:

Joyce Crowder

Retiring as full time Minister of Music early in 2019, Joyce Crowder has continued to remain very active in the community of Columbus, Indiana sharing and teaching in community opportunities.

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As the Executive Secretary of FABM she continues to be a national resource in the area of handbells and choral leading. She feels that her basic calling is in teaching and continues to teach private piano, handbell and chime classes as well as a Children/Youth Choir for the Southern Indiana Homeschool Educators.

Joyce started attending The Conference for Church Musicians in 1988 and was asked to be the Secretary on the FABM Bord of Director beginning summer of 2000. After serving the term of Secretary she then held the positions of President Elect and President. After a year off the Board, she came back and has served as the Executive Secretary since 2008.

Joyce and her husband Scott have 3 married children and 10 grandchildren who all live in Southern Indiana. Many of them have attended the conference since 1988 and participated in the Children, Youth, and Adult Divisions of the Conference. It has become an important part of their summer family activities. She invites you to bring all of your family that has an interest in music whether it be to participate or be a part of the congregation for morning worship ad evening concerts.


Carla Williams

Carla is the pianist and substitute organist at First Baptist Church in Columbus, Indiana.

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As FABM Webmaster, Carla keeps the website up to date with new information.

Carla has 3 grown children who have all attended the conference in the past.

Carla has been attending the Conference since 2007.

FABM History

The Fellowship of American Baptist Musicians was formed in February 1964 by a group of American Baptist church directors and organists. Those present included: Jet Turner from First Baptist Church in Peoria, IL; Kenneth Cober from ABC Educational Ministries in Valley Forge; Bill Robinson from First Baptist Church in Indianapolis, IN; and Roger and Wilma Wischmeier from First Baptist Church in Omaha, NE.

From their desire to "Enrich Your Spiritual Life through Music and Worship" , the Fellowship of American Baptist Musicians was born.

The first conference was held in 1965 at the American Baptist Assembly in Green Lake, Wisconsin.

From the experiences of those early conferences, people like Sam Hood and Jay Martin made the FABM an integral part of their lives and proceeded to enrich many more lives through their leadership.

In 1968, a youth section was added with twelve youth attending the first year. Today the Youth choir is composed of more than 50 youth. As music in the church has expanded, so has the conference; Handbells, Children, and Instrumental groups were added.

Today the conference draws 300 participants from across North America to the Green Lake Conference Center.

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